In premise the premise should follow as stated Which may be what makes it a perfect solution To claim the immaculate enpostulated And maybe be better than what it can be. There's a measure that matters and much more that doesn't But doesn't that mean that to mean what you wanted You need to assume that between me and you in our object relation The object of asking the question and guessing Is best left to saying it's true if it's true. - Is any of this real Or is a computer giving a test I am failing? If evil is banal The mundane should undo The taboo of praying And let slip a bad thought Or worse yet the doubtful That tangles with tinctures The vinculated charmed. When the mirror shows pictures That aren't in the picture What am I expected to do? If ignorance blisters at knowing uneasy Then throw away grieving of pieces and sums In favor of savoring profligate saviors Patched up with sheerness and pressed hard to run. Thus in losing its players The game takes their places And gives one to me for a turn.