In a leap to the deep of potential inconstancy, The heat can deplete with a comic ignominy. The age is in ways beneficent of a metaphysic That hindsight should point to an evidence itself. As change is displayed in the sudden undoing So is the drumming on tables so long. Grimed with the rime of a John Stuart Millstone, The 'Dites hung on him like heralds beharked. And slave goods like coffees and cottons and sweetness Get treated to burlap, and Mary is scorned. As real as zeal that equally made us, It's seeable so that the difference is true. Assume in your living the outcome was biased So outcomes came out of a cameling dice roll And only the longview saw woman the king. Not prophet exotic but actual lunacy Posits a future with no road to reach it, Though seeking a teacher in bindings and hearsay We dare say we've hidden the tracks in the sand. In roaming the prairie the thin dromedary Carries on docile and buries a fossil We dig up on purpose and then disavow.